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查看次數【2645】 發(fā)布時間【2014-05-09 10:26:39】 有效期【90天】

1,概述:HC-213系列聚氨酯(PU)夾芯板材設備是我公司經多年研究與試驗開發(fā)出一套具有自主知識產權,適合國情的連續(xù)式自動化生產設備。此款設備可兼容生產多種彩鋼夾心瓦和外墻板材產品。本公司成熟的設備制造經驗與聚氨酯組合泡沫材料生產配套技術給生產企業(yè)帶提供了質量保證。也給綠色節(jié)能建筑市場帶來了廣闊前景。 Summary: HC-213 PU Sandwich Panel Manufacturing Line is designed by our engineer, which has referenced international advantage experience. This equipment is easy to operate and suitable for developing countries. 2,聚氨酯(PU)夾芯板材生產線圖片: P U Sandwich Panel Manufacturing Line sketch map: 3,生產線主要組成部分列表: The list of manufacturing line main parts: 序號/ NO. 名稱/ PART NAME 型號/規(guī)格 TYPE 數量/ QUANTITY 1 自動補料系統(tǒng) Unreeling System HC-021A 貳套/2 sets 2 1. B料預混儲料系統(tǒng) Material pre-mix system HC-400A 貳套/2 sets 3 壓型機 Forming press HC-P09 壹套/1 set 4 預熱系統(tǒng) Pre-heat system HC-P12A 壹套/1 set 5 自動放卷系統(tǒng) HC-R15B 壹套/1 set 6 PU高壓發(fā)泡設備 PU foam machine HC-202H 壹套/1 set 7 注射平臺 Pouring movable platform HC-P13A 壹套/1 set 8 液壓升降油缸 Hydraulic lift cylinder HC-P14A 拾陸套/ 16set 9 液壓站系統(tǒng) Hydraulic system HC-PN100 壹套/1 set 10 雙履帶式連續(xù)成型設備 Double caterpillar continuous Forming Machine HC-212B 壹套/1 set 11 鋁箔紙放置系統(tǒng) Aluminum foil uncoil system HC-E05 壹套/1 set 12 全自動裁切設備 Automatic cutting machine HC-P16A 壹套/1 set 13 plc中央控制系統(tǒng) PLC central control system HC-P17A 壹套/1 set 14 產品裁切輸送線 Products conveyor system HC-P18A 壹套/1 set 15 左右側擋系統(tǒng) Side block system HC-P19A 貳套/2 sets 16 預混系統(tǒng)冷,熱恒溫設備 Temperature control equipment HC-P22A 貳套/2 sets 4,設備技術參數: The whole equipment parameter: ●電源:380V/50Hz,氣源:6bar,總裝機功率約120kw Electric source:380V/50Hz, Air source: 6bar, Total power: about 120kw ●設備占地面積約:長34m,寬6m,高3.5m Floor square: L34m*W6m*H3.5m ●生產線速度:0-6m/min Speed of manufacturing line: 0-8m/min 5,成品描述: Products description: 表面材質:鋁板 Surface material: color steel 中間材質:聚氨酯(PU) Intermediate layer: PU 底面材質:鋁箔紙、PVC紙.或牛皮紙等。 Underside: Aluminum foil, PVC paper, color steel 可生產尺寸:長度1-10m,寬度0-600mm,厚度1-100mm(可調) Size: no limit of the length, width 0-600mm, thickness 1-100mm (adjustable) 板型圖如下; 6,中央控制系統(tǒng): PLC central control system: ●此套設備生產流程由PLC中央控制系統(tǒng)控制連續(xù)生產。 The whole process of the manufacturing line is controlled by PLC central control system. ●超大液晶顯示器具有強大功能菜單,設有壓力,溫度、線速、轉速,流量壓力故障及節(jié)假日自動循環(huán)監(jiān)控等。操作方便,簡單。 Large LCD monitor has powerful function menu that can monitor the temperature, speed, pressure, flow, failure information and so on. The operation is easy and convenient. 7,PU高壓連續(xù)發(fā)泡設備/PU high pressure continuous foam equipment 聚氨酯(PU)高壓發(fā)泡設備:PU high pressure foam machine  功能;采用PLC中央控制系統(tǒng)操控,將生產所需異氰酸酯(ISO)/聚醚多元醇(POLYL)兩種調配后的混合材料,按設定好的時間、溫度、壓力、流量及混合比例等通過高壓混合后均勻澆注在水泥卷材上面,進入層壓設備發(fā)泡成型。 Function: Adopts PLC central control system, mix the raw material POLY & ISO and spray on to the cement panel, and then material foaming in the form press machine. All the process are finished under the setting time, temperature, pressure, flow and mixing ratio.  主要結構:高壓混合頭,A、B料高壓變量柱塞泵、A/B料容積式流量計、A/B料變頻馬達及磁性連軸器、A/B料生產儲料罐,液壓系統(tǒng),冷熱溫控系統(tǒng),PLC中央控制系統(tǒng)、自動補料輸料系統(tǒng) Main structure: high pressure mixing head, A & B raw material pumps, flow meters, A & B converter motors and electro-magnetic coupling, A & B raw material tanks, hydraulic system, temperature control system, PLC central control system, refilling system.  特點;1.該設備具有混合均勻穩(wěn)定、適應高粘度材料連續(xù)生產,自動清潔操作簡單方便。2.A/B料溫控系統(tǒng)可選擇實行獨立加溫或制冷控溫。3、此發(fā)泡機A/B料流量及比例調整范圍大、不受產品厚薄及材料影響。 Features: 1, this machine has mixinghomogeneously and stable, suitable for high viscosity material continuous producing. And easy to operate. 2, The temperature of A & B material can be controlled separately. 3, The flow and ratio of the material A & B can be adjusted in wide-bound. 8,自動放卷設備 Automatic uncoil equipment 9,預熱系統(tǒng) Pre- heat system ●由雙層鋼板制作,中間層采用石棉填充保溫隔熱。 Made by double layers steel, and the interface fills asbestos to preserve heat. ●預熱方式采用紅外線照射彩鋼表面加溫,快捷省電。 Adopt red-ray to heat. Heating quickly andsaving Electricity. 10,前置彩鋼模切斷裝置 Front cutting equipment: ●在開卷裝置后面,采用手動裁切,可實現計量長度和定量長度切斷。 Placed behind the unreeling equipment, handle cutting. 12,錫箔紙、PVC紙放卷機 Aluminum foil/PVC paper unreeling machine ●生產單面彩鋼板時用于產品背面復合材料。 Used for underside compound when manufacture one side color steel and one side aluminum foil. ●該系統(tǒng)具有自動糾編功能。 This system has automatic correct function. 13,壓型機 Forming press ●用于將鋁板按要求壓制成型. Used for press the color steel. 14,雙履帶層壓成型設備 Double caterpillar continuous Forming Machine: ●雙履帶成型設備長18m,上下由獨立式的雙層鋁板,鏈輪及機架組成,機架高度1.6m,下機架鏈板面高度1.2m。 The length of the double caterpillar continuous Forming Machine is 18m. Made by up and bottom frames. It has three parts. The height of the frame is 1.6m. The height of link plate of bottom frame is 1.2m. ●自動循環(huán)側擋系統(tǒng)2套,分別安置在生產線鋁板兩邊,生產不同厚度夾芯板時可通過更換側擋塊使用。 There are 2 sets of nylon battle plates, which are placed on the two sides of aluminum panel. The nylon battle plates can be changed according to the thickness of the producing PU panel. ●鏈板均勻安裝在鏈輪上,鏈板驅動采用上下2臺齒輪減速馬達驅動,速度由變頻器調控。 The link plates are installed on the chain wheel, and driven by up and bottom gear motor. The speed can be changed by frequency converter. 15,液壓提升裝置 Hydraulic lift system: ●雙鋁帶上層成型機提升由液壓總成及整套套液壓油缸執(zhí)行,有限使用提升高度為20-200mm The up forming machine is lifted by hydraulic cylinders. The lift height is20-200mm. 16、側擋系統(tǒng) 功能:將標準厚度尼龍擋塊固定在雙履帶鋁板兩邊,生產不同厚度產品時只需在原尼龍側擋件上疊加即可,生產線由蝸輪減速變頻傳動裝置帶動、雙履帶層壓機將配合整套設備動作保持連續(xù)生產。 17,雙履帶生產線自動電加溫熱循環(huán)系統(tǒng) Heating cycle system: ●采用導熱管電熱循環(huán)加溫系統(tǒng),導溫快、安全性高。 Heated by bold heating tube. Each oven has separate temperature control and heat dissipation equipment. ●系統(tǒng)配有上下通風管道及恒溫裝置,可自動調節(jié)設定生產溫度。 This system equipped with ventilating duct, and can set the temperature automatically. ●電烘箱上下個5節(jié),雙層鋼板制造中間用石棉填充保溫,每段可獨立控溫, 18,產品自動切割設備 Finished products cutting equipment: • 切割設備由PLC中央系統(tǒng)控制 • 功能:自動跟蹤裁切設備采用自動編碼測量器及定點裁切裝置兩種方式,在生產線連續(xù)不停條件下由PLC電腦控制對產品進行自動計量自動定位切割 。 • 主要結構:雙刃面臺鋸系統(tǒng)、長度計量編碼器、活動式定位裁切裝置、裁切工作臺、步進電機驅動導軌。 This cutting equipment is controlled by PLC central control system. 19, ISO、POLYL兩組份預混、儲料系統(tǒng): Material refill system for pre-mix system ●A,B料預混反應斧容積各1000升,夾層式自動恒溫。系統(tǒng)配有冷熱兩用型冷凍設備,攪拌器,安全閥磁力液位計,自動感應補料系統(tǒng)等。 The capacity of material A & B are 1000L, the inside material is SUS304, jacket-type. This system equipped with chiller, stirrer, level gauge and automatic refill system. 功能:此系統(tǒng)由A、B料罐,攪拌器,冷熱兩用型恒溫設備及自動上料、補料裝置組成,生產時將原材料分別加入ISO、POLYL儲料罐,用以均勻攪拌、恒溫、能及時對發(fā)泡機生產料罐補充材料,滿足其連續(xù)生產需求。 設備組成:A/B料預混儲料罐、A/B料循環(huán)補料泵浦、馬達系統(tǒng)、A/B料冷凍、加溫系統(tǒng)、A/B料抽料攪拌系統(tǒng)、A/B料冷凝器快速加熱或制冷循環(huán)系統(tǒng)、A/B料液位顯示及感應系統(tǒng)。 特點:通過增加冷凝器循環(huán)的方式,能快速均勻對A/B料加溫或制冷后自動補充到發(fā)泡機生產料罐滿足連續(xù)生產需要。 20,側擋成型模塊 Moulding block ●根據產品不同厚度及形狀組成,生產時按產品厚度安裝對應的尼龍件擋塊。 Change the nylon block according to different thickness products. 21,成品輸送線 Finished products conveyor system: ●由鋼架焊接而成,采用滾軸式鏈接輸送。 Made by weld steel frame. And adopts roller shaft to convey. ●生產線與雙履帶線連接供產品成型后自動裁切輸送使用;葜菔泻统蓹C械設備有限公司 188 9634 6260


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