耐克北京旗艦店正式開業(yè) 中國市場助推業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展
位于北京商業(yè)中心的耐克旗艦店今天正式開業(yè),再次印證了耐克品牌在中國體育市場的領(lǐng)導地位。中國已經(jīng)成為耐克全球最重要的市場之一,品牌在國內(nèi)300多個城市零售業(yè)務(wù)迅猛增長。 耐克全球總裁Charlie Denson出席了耐克北京旗艦店的開業(yè)儀式,他表示:“在世界上最偉大的城市之一開設(shè)耐克
Nike Shox Spotlight Low
Do you need a new pair of sneakers to play ball in? A pair you can wear on and off the court? If so, today is your lucky day! Nike has released the Shox Spotlight Low in three color ways, but only the Black/Red and White/Metallic Gold-Gum Light Brown are available in many sizes. R
Nike Dunk SB Low Freddy Krueger Preview
We saw the Nike SB Trainer Dawn of the Dead, now here is another preview of the Nike Dunk SB Low Freddy Krueger which is apart of the upcoming Nike SB Horror Pack. On the toe box, sides and heel feature the same flannel material of Freddy Krueger’s Shirt, blood splatter on variou
拭目以待意料之外的驚喜 NIKE Blazer Premium
看到這款NIKE Blazer Mid Premium便馬上認定這將是一款熱銷的鞋子,雖然Premium級別將使這款Blazer的定價會比普通款的Blazer貴一些,但這款鞋經(jīng)典的外觀加之低調(diào)卻又不普通的配色設(shè)計,注定這款NIKE Blazer Mid Premium將成為市場上的搶手貨。 當然在這些意料之中的事情以外,又不得不讓人期待這
Nike Zoom Kobe II and Kobe Strength USA Olympics
Its unclear how well Kobe and the Lakers will fair in 2008, but for many basketball fans, more eyes will be on Kobe when he suits up for Team USA in the Beijing Olympics. This past week, Team USA members took some time away from summer camp to get t
古典之花裝扮現(xiàn)代青年 NIKE Dunk Mid SB Sample
這是一款新露面的NIKE Dunk Mid SB Sample,這款Dunk Mid SB也許是所有已知的Dunk Mid SB鞋款中最亮麗、最有藝術(shù)氣息的一雙了,鞋身上布滿了古典風格的手繪圖案的花,有點看上去更像是孔雀的羽毛,很有西方古典藝術(shù)的感覺,不過當一身現(xiàn)代街頭打扮的人腳上穿著這么一雙具有古典藝術(shù)風格的鞋時,不知道會是個什么樣