1. Everyday life inspires me.生活的每一天都在激勵我。
2. If you hate me, you're the loser,not me.如果你恨我,那么你就是失敗者,而不是我。
3. It's okay to be different and it's important to believe in yourself.你可以與眾不同,并且要相信自己。
4. If she doesn't shut her mouth ,I'll shut it for her.如果她不閉上她的嘴,我會去幫她閉上。
5. I'm a fighter, I may be small but I'm tough.我是個斗爭者!也許我一個人很渺小,但我很強硬。
6. Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life!生活就像過山車,樂在其中,享受它吧!
7. If you're different, embrace it.Don't be afraid to experiment with your fashion.如果你與眾不同,接受它。不要害怕嘗試你自己的時尚。
8. I've learned what's important in life.我已經(jīng)知道了生活中什么才是重要的。
9. Fame is a big joke. Stars need to stop taking themselves so seriously.名氣是一個大笑話。明星需要停止把他們自己看得太重了。
10. I hate being compared to people. But it's one of those things that you're always gonna get. And then if I'm big one day, people will start comparing other people to me.我討厭被拿來和別人比較。但這是我總是遇到的事。如果我成了足夠耀眼的大明星,人們會開始拿別人來和我作比較。
11. You're tryin' to be cool. You look like a fool to me你總是想裝酷。但在我看來,你很像個傻瓜。
12. Sometimes I drive so fast,Just to feel the danger .I wanna scream ,It makes me feel alive.有時我把車開的超快,只是為了體驗危險。我有時也想大聲尖叫,這可以讓我覺得自己還活著。
13. I'm really happy with myself, I live my life the way I want to.我感覺自己真的很開心,我按照自己喜歡的方式生活。
14. I used to stand in front of a mirror and interview myself.我曾經(jīng)站在一個鏡子前介紹我自己。
15. I'm different from what's been out there for a while, definitely.我應經(jīng)不同于以前那段時間的自己了!這是毫無疑問的!
16. It's important to remember where we came from and just how lucky we are to be here.永遠不要忘記我們來自哪里。我們需要知道的只是我們來到這里是多么地幸運。
- 上一篇:徐志摩的經(jīng)典語錄
- 下一篇:關于誠實的名人名言
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